“My typical day – insofar as there is one – can cover a lot of territory and involve a real variety of people."
For a start, I regularly need to meet and evaluate prospective apprentices, identifying their individual strengths and seeing whether they’ve got what it takes to see the qualification through to the end. But I’m also responsible for monitoring and supporting existing apprentices. That means visiting them in the field – whether they’re working on a small local installation or on a major factory refit. You get to know the apprentices really well and it’s great seeing them develop and grow. Meeting employers is an important part of my job. I often travel to their premises so that I can discuss their business plans, identify their skill needs and explain how JTL can help them.
There’s also a good chance that I will need to visit one or more of the local colleges who deliver the qualification side of apprenticeships. Again, it’s all about building strong relationships and listening really carefully to feedback. It’s also about managing time carefully. I work out of my home and am responsible for setting up appointments and making sure that I provide a first-class service at all times. For all these reasons, I realised early on that you need more than good technical skills to do this job. You need the confidence – and credibility – to communicate with everyone from young people to senior executives. It can be also pressurised at times, so you must be able to cope with targets and deadlines. But if you can do it, you get to enjoy a level of independence and influence that few other jobs can match.”

Hints and tips
Finding a new job should be a positive and rewarding experience. Here are some hints and tips to help you prepare well and present yourself in the best possible light.

Learning and development
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